Autora/ Writer: Luciana De Luca
Editorial: Lecturita Ediciones (Español, Argentina)
Editorial: Annick Press (English, Canada)
Una historia sobre los sentimientos a menudo complicados provocados por la ansiedad, perfecto paraayudar a los lectores jóvenes a identificar esta emoción compleja.
A la niña de este libro ilustrado le encantaría bailar, cantar y jugar con sus amigos, pero ella está luchando con sentimientos de ansiedad que se entrometen en su camino. A veces se siente asustada y otras veces tímida.A veces el mundo parece demasiado ruidoso, rápido y todo es tanabrumador, que podría simplemente gritar. No hay una solución fácil para sentiransiosa, pero al final de esta historia aprende a pedir ayuda yencuentra pequeñas formas de sentirse mejor.
Escrito desde la perspectiva de un niño, combina el arte evocador con texto simple para ilustrar algunas de las formas en las que se puede experimentar la ansiedad, proporcionando una actitud empática y compasiva para ayudar a los lectores a comprender este sentimiento.
A gorgeously illustrated, sparingly written story about the
often complicated feelings brought on by anxiousness, perfect for
helping young readers identify this complex emotion.
often complicated feelings brought on by anxiousness, perfect for
helping young readers identify this complex emotion.
The little girl in this picture book would love to dance, sing, and play
with her friends, but she is struggling with anxious feelings that get
in the way. Sometimes she feels scared and sometimes she feels shy.
Sometimes the world seems too loud, too fast, and everything is so
overwhelming she could just scream. There is no easy fix for feeling
anxious, but by the end of this story she learns to ask for help and
finds small ways to feel better.
with her friends, but she is struggling with anxious feelings that get
in the way. Sometimes she feels scared and sometimes she feels shy.
Sometimes the world seems too loud, too fast, and everything is so
overwhelming she could just scream. There is no easy fix for feeling
anxious, but by the end of this story she learns to ask for help and
finds small ways to feel better.
Written from a child’s perspective, Anxious pairs
evocative art with simple text to illustrate some of the ways
anxiousness can be experienced, providing an empathetic and
compassionate framework for helping readers understand this feeling.
evocative art with simple text to illustrate some of the ways
anxiousness can be experienced, providing an empathetic and
compassionate framework for helping readers understand this feeling.